Welcome to the world of Yoga and Balance Therapy

Causes of most of the diseases are deviation from various balance levels of fluids, hormones, cells etc. and even when the cause is not identifiable, the reason is:

  • Some disorder or defect in the सूक्ष्म (Subtle Body) or
  • A disturbed balance of स्थूल (Material or Gross Body), or
  • Disruption of the free flow of Prana, and
  • Some disorder in the Seven Chakras that balance the elements of Vitality, Electricity and Energy in our body.

Even an imbalance in our thoughts might be responsible for a disease.

When a string of a Veena is stretched a little too tight or left a little too loose, the sound produced is not musical. This balance, which produces good music, is what we provide at our academy. The concept of such ‘Balance’ is lesser known among the prevalent treatment systems. So, it is increasingly difficult to cure diseases even using current medical technology.

We have experienced through numerous treatments that the true and most effective treatment of any disease lies in identifying an imbalance of the Chakras in the body and restoring the balance.